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Uplift Group

Group Psychotherapy and Skills Training for adults with Autism and Severe and Persistent Mental Illness.

Day & Time: Monday through Friday 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Group Psychotherapy: 9:30 am to 10:30 am

Skills Training & Development: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

Who can attend: Adults over 18 who experience severe and persistent mental illness. Please contact us to schedule a consultation and/or intake appointment.


  • Stacey Martinez, LPC – Group Psychotherapy
  • Auxiliary Facilitators: Keith Moore, LCPC & Victor Myers, LCPC

The psychotherapy group focuses on working through issues related to severe and persistent mental illness. This will be an opportunity to meet with individuals who experience similar concerns in order to give and receive feedback, work through concerns, and process thoughts, feelings, and experiences together.

The skills training and development group focuses on enhancing and/or developing social, communication, behavior, coping, and basic living skills.

This is an open skills group, meaning that new participants may join the group and others may leave during your membership. Additionally, different members may attend on different days. Members will be screened to assess for appropriateness for the Uplift Group prior to joining. Group members will be expected to follow the rules of the group. Individuals in violation of group rules will be asked to leave the group and referred to other services.

Access Living provides local master-level counseling students the opportunity to serve in internship positions through the Uplift Group. Counseling interns gain clinical experience through cofacilitating the group alongside a licensed professional counselor. Their role in the group is to enhance the group experience by providing additional support, interventions, and resources. An internship position typically lasts about 4 months; therefore, students regularly rotate through the program during the year.

This is a Medicaid-reimbursable program